Rooftop Escape
There are some people who search everywhere for paradise. They pay thousands of dollars to fly all over the world in hopes that one day they will find their calling, far away from the realities that await them at home. But reality is what you make of it, not what it makes of you. Undoubtedly, “reality” will always follow these escapists as they run from one misconception to the other.
I have to admit that I often dream of being one of them. Dream, for example, of dropping everything and traveling the world in search of the freedom I so long to have – freedom from my job, my cube, my bills, my responsibilities, my… life. But ultimately, my own advice follows me wherever I go – look up, look around, and look within. Is this advice simply a cover for my fear of the unknown? Perhaps, but why travel so far when I can find a small piece of paradise on my rooftop escape.

the biggest limitations in our life are usually self imposed.. and our true freedom comes by freeing ourselves from our fears and anxieties to expose our true SELF =:)