These shots are from a recent photo shoot down at the Esplanade in Boston. This is probably one of the few places you can watch a sunset in the city, which is why half my photos are tagged with Esplanade 😉 Regardless, the sunsets from here are always beautiful.

I took this shot by resting my camera directly on the dock, sans tripod. Considering the camera weighs close to a ton, it’s not surprising that it remained still for the 9 shots required to create this photo.
River Path

This shot shows the bike path that runs along the Esplanade.
Creamsicle Dreams

I couldn’t really think of a better title for this one. I wanted to express the shift in colors in the sky from the sunlight on the right to night’s beginning on the left with the transfer between the two happening somewhere midway. That was my intent at least, but all that kept coming to mind when I looked at this photo was, “creamsicle, creamsicle, creamsicle.” I must be hungry.
Sunset’s Reception
Sunset’s Reception 2
Break Time
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