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The lights glisten slowly in the calm of the night, reflecting off ornaments hung with care. Blue green promises of presents to come mix gently with red yellow thoughts of Christmas rum. Eggnog, hot chocolate, and tea are enjoyed by the crackling fire as Christmas music fills the air with spirit. Outside the snow is falling to the beat of scattering salt and the pang of shovels on icy concrete as paths are cleared for family and friends. Snow balls fly through the air occasionally striking their targets as brothers and sisters proclaim short-lived victories over each other. The eve is fast approaching and with it, the realization of countless dreams around the world. And while last minute-shopping and party planning are sure to fill the heads of everyone, fill your hearts instead with peace and calm. For this is a this time to dream, a time to give, and a time to sip a little tea by the tree… Relax.
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