I think spring is finally here! It was 60 degrees out today and I left work a little early (shhh, don’t tell anyone) to enjoy the weather and take some photos. Unfortunately, the sunlight was absolutely disgusting and the sky was covered in haze. After hours of walking around I managed to snap 3 shots that I was actually happy with! Here are the first two – It’s a very interesting doorway on the Hatch Shell in Boston. Enjoy!

In searching for light, have only hope. For the answers to life’s greatest questions lie not in far away lands or dream filled nights. One need only open his eyes to that which stands before him. And if those eyes see with faith and if that man trusts his sight, even the most common stone will turn to doorways of gold, behind which he will be found.
Amazing.. I drove and walked millions of times by this hatch shell and never saw this door way. Thank you for your insight =))