Ok so this is the last series of photos from my March 24th photo shoot (thank God!). Next time I am going to have to be more selective with the photos I take or hope that it starts raining after the first 300 shots, well before I get to the murderous 500 I took. Yeah 500, one of the beauties of HDR… no, sarcasm. 🙂 I may depart from my HDR streak (Gasp!) soon, just for a bit, to examine the finer things in life, such as post processing in 5 minutes vs. 20 per photo and having enough time to eat…. every other day.
Spirit of Boston

This would be the Spirit of Boston (in case you didn’t see the writing on the boat ;). It is one of the many things us Bostonians here have a strong affinity for, even though most of us have never even been aboard. Count me as one of them! But regardless, it always commands my respect because, well, it’s really the only boat tour in Boston that anyone would want to go on. It looks cool, it sounds cool, and it IS cool… I think. The only thing keeping us land-dwellers away is the exorbitant price. I fear only that once I amass the fortune required to board this jewel, the experience may be less than climactic, but only time will tell.
The next few shots were taken from the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) which is the next big thing since the Spirit of Boston. And no, I haven’t been inside. 🙂 So what do I have for you? Well only the slightly abnormal of course!
Bike by the Sea

Ah yes, a bike by the sea, but so much more. To me this photo conveys the power of perspective, composition, and most importantly, story. I have no idea who this bike belongs to, but I’d imagine that the person was fairly content in riding it down to the ICA in the beautiful spring weather and chaining it to this goergeous spot whose real estate value is probably somewhere near ten thousand times that of the bike. But there are no pesky real estate agents here, only an unsuspecting photographer like myself who decided to capture just a small tiny bit of the story.
Emily Dickinson

This is a poem by Emily Dickinson. I encourage you to view it in
full size version so you can read the writing.
The next two photos show the parakeet who dwels right by the ICA and Jerry, my roommate, talking to his new found friend (he doesn’t have many). Jerry is a pretty cool kid though, so I hope you join me in congratulating him for his new relationsihp and I hope you’ll check out his photo stream
here. You’ll notice he likes to steal some of my composition ideas, but I forgive him.
Jerry on the Parakeet

For those curious about what the ICA looks like from afar… here it is. There’s some very interesting architecture going on here, but why the parakeet?? I will never understand. Perhaps Jerry does.

Last (finally!), but not least I have some shots taken a little bit further down the road from the ICA near the federal court house with some pretty conservative views of Boston.
Setting Sail
Light the Way
Earning Respect
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