Come and Gone
This title doesn’t really have anything to do with the photo, but it does have to do with my circumstances. My D200 finally arrived from the Nikon service shop yesterday after a week of patient waiting. Thinking all my dust problems were gone I went outside to happily start shooting on a gorgeous May afternoon. Upon looking through the viewfinder I became horrified to find that there was STILL dust on the focusing screen, even though Nikon said it had been replaced. I began using my air blower in an attempt to get rid of the dust, but it was not to be – the most prominent pieces would not leave. And so it is with great frustration and only one hour’s use that I send this camera back to Nikon again for service. At least they are paying for shipping this time. Let us truly hope that second time, rather than third, is a charm. I am going to switch over to my D50 for the next week… I can’t go another week without taking any photos.
I did manage to snap one shot before my dust discovery robbed me of my picture taking will. No poem this time, I’m still trying to relieve myself of my pissed-offed-ness. Anyway, there are worse things in life, so no big deal. I sat under this tree for 20 minutes before the wind died down enough to allow me to bracket the shots. It was a great 20 minutes.
Come and Gone

I’m a new reader to your blog. There’s a lot of info here, and I appreciate reading along. Also, living in Boston, I’m VERY familiar with the same streets we walk on.
Currently I am using the D50, saving up for the D200. I’m having what sounds like the same dust problem. Did you ever get that resolved? (I may have missed that part of a later post.)