These photos were taken while I was half asleep during the early morning hours of the night so please excuse me if they aren’t up to par… I tried. I almost didn’t go out to take these shots, but I somehow mustered up the energy to leave the hotel, which is a good thing because otherwise I would have come back from England with only photos of my hotel. The Cavendish Hotel where we stayed was located near Piccadilly Circus and so that is where these photos are from.
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This guy is popularly referred to as Eros, but he is not. In actuality he is an archer representing the virtue of charity and is dedicated to Lord Shaftesbury. I’m not sure how shooting arrows is charitable, but I’ll take his word for it as he’s been there a lot longer than I have. He’s also got a great view as you can see.
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Here we have the horses of Helios which are in fact Greek. Helios was the Greek god of the sun. He drove his chariot from east to west across the sky every day with the help of his four horses: Pyrois, Eos, Aethon, and Phleyon. These bronze versions of the horses probably don’t fly, but they do collect coins which are donated to a different charity every year. And to think I almost thought them intimidating.
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Last we have my personal favorite… the wonderful London Underground. For those who are unaware of what the Underground is, let me enlighten you: It is a subway train. Moving past the overly creative name for a moment, we can stop to fully appreciate the infamous warnings that are echoed over the loudspeaker at every stop: “Mind the gap…. please mind the gap.” In English that’s “watch your step” and in Boston speak that’s “stand cleaaah of the closin dooahs please.” You see, we’re not worried about the “gap” here in Boston. We just want your ass on the train so it can start moving.
That’s it for the England photos. As fate would have it I am traveling again this week so you should be seeing photos from New Mexico / California in the next few days.
Great set up photos, Kal! Almost makes me wanna get on a plane and fly to London right now.
Btw, the email subscription thing worked.
Wow! Really awesome it were! Now I know why people always pick London a place to go.