Wood Blossom
This shot presents a significant departure from my normal photography. Today was the first 60 degree day Boston has seen in a long time and as is only appropriate on such a beautiful day, I grabbed my camera and set out to walk and take photos where appropriate. It’s nice to go out with the intention of having none, rather than always looking for stuff to photograph, and that’s what I did today… without a camera bag, extra battery, cleaning cloth, or tripod. The tripod was really hard to let go because it meant no HDR shots for me! But seeing as how my LDR (low dynamic range) roommate doubted my ability to photograph anything without HDR I thought I’d step up to his challenge for the day. I have to admit, it was not easy. Half the shots I took had blown highlights or just looked plain ugly. But it was certainly an enlightening experience for a few reasons: 1. I was not carrying a 4 foot 10 pound behemoth of a tripod around all day (I actually looked somewhat normal), 2. I felt like a sucky photographer, and 3. Once I realized my suckage I paid a lot more attention to what would actually come out good with the dynamic range that I had and in doing so I realized how much more freedom I had without a tripod.
However, as I mentioned above, today was for me, not my camera. I only took 43 photos in 2 hours and half of them pretty much suck (gotta learn somehow). But I really like this one. I was standing by the water watching the planes take off from Logan airport, when I noticed this little guy sprouting from the wooden pier in front of me. It took a number of tries to get the focus how I wanted, but he agreed to stand still after a while. I hope you enjoy it!

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